Pilots in the Western Desert, 1942.

Pilots and ground crew, B Flight in the
Western Desert, 1942.

Australian Pilots in the Western Desert, 1942. (Asboe, Thomas, Cullen, Trench)

Well dug in! Western Desert, October 1942.

Bob Crot & Neil Thomas Western Desert, 1942.

McNally, Campbell & Thomas, Terhan 1943.

Doug McNally & John Pauley

Sqd Ldr Joe Pegge in the Western Desert, 1942.

A swim in the Med.

The boys of 127 at the Heliopolis Hotel

St Jean 1944

Spitfire EJ G, Cyprus 1943

Boys of 127.

Bex Asboe

Neil Thomas

Cal Taylor

Bill Benedict

Captured Stuka in the Western Desert, 1942. Reported to have be Flown by Bill Benedict.

Abandoned Me 109 in the  Western Desert, 1942.